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Xana Abreu

Xana Abreu nació en Lisboa, Portugal, en 1975 y actualmente vive en Aroeira, una ciudad soleada cerca del mar en el sur de Lisboa.

Siempre tuvo una mente muy abierta, pudiendo dejarse influenciar por todas las expresiones artísticas a su alrededor e inspirarse en los grandes maestros, así como en artistas contemporáneos y callejeros.

Ella prefiere pintar con pintura acrílica porque se seca más rápido y se adapta mejor a su urgencia de pintar tan rápido como su mente ilimitada es capaz de crear. Trabaja principalmente sobre lienzo, madera y también sobre esculturas de resina y fibra de vidrio, pero siempre está buscando otros medios para explorar.

Xana Abreu sabía desde niña que quería ser artista visual. Asistió a la Escuela de Arte António Arroio y luego al Colegio de Artes de Lisboa. Aunque hizo exposiciones en los años 90, de repente tuvo un gran éxito en Portugal como compositora y cantante. El primer DVD que grabó fue directo al nº 1 en las listas de éxitos de Portugal y permaneció en el nº1 durante 41 semanas, con conciertos con entradas agotadas en todas partes. Este éxito inesperado la alejó de sus exposiciones durante varios años, aunque nunca dejó de pintar.

Ella ha vuelto a mostrar sus trabajos desde 2017.

Xana Abreu was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1975 and currently lives in Aroeira, a sunny city near the sea in the south of Lisbon.
She was always very open minded, being able to let herself be influenced by all artistic expressions around her and drawing inspiration from the great masters as well as contemporary and street artists.
She prefers to paint with acrylic paint because it dries faster and is more suited with her urgency to paint as fast as her unlimited mind is able to create. She has been painting mainly on canvas, wood and also on resin and fiberglass sculptures but is always looking for other mediums to explore.
Xana Abreu knew since she was a child she wanted to be a visual artist. She attended António Arroio Art School and then the Lisbon College Of Arts. Though she did exhibitions in the 90's, she suddenly became a huge success in Portugal has a composer and singer. The first DVD she recorded went straight to nº 1 in Portugal's charts and stayed nº1 for 41 weeks, with sold out concerts everywhere she went. This unexpected success took her away from her exhibitions for several years, although she never stopped painting.
She restarted exhibiting her work since 2017.


1995. Art School António Arroio, Lisbon
2000. Lisbon College of Arts (Painting course)



- Espaço Arte Europa América, Lisbon, Portugal, Solo Exhibition


- Nuno Sacramento Contemporary Art Gallery, Ílhavo, Portugal, Solo Exhibition
- NH Design Gallery, Porto, Portugal, Solo Exhibition
- Casa Municipal da Cultura de Estarreja, Estarreja, Portugal, Group Exhibition


- Daville Baillie Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa, Group Exhibition
- JustLX Contemporary Art Fair, Lisbon, Portugal
- International Symposium of Contemporary Art, Guarda, Portugal, Group exhibition
- XXXV Muestra Internacional y Multidisciplinas de Arte Contemporáneo, Barcelona
- Galeria Abartium, Barcelona, Spain, Group exhibition
- Huetopia, London, England, Group Exhibition
- Daville Baillie Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa, Solo Exhibition
- Art Montpellier, Foire méditerranéenne des arts contemporains, Sud de France Arena, Montpellier, France
- EuropArtFair, Amsterdam, Netherlands


- CEART Museum, Madrid, Spain, Solo Exhibition
- Galeria Montsequi, Madrid, Spain, Solo Exhibition
- JustMad Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid, Spain